However, to do so required adequate engineering skills. The following
will explain some basic football techniques you need to master this
technique by using the ball, such as the following:
1. Kicking the ball
Kicking motion is dominant in the game of football. Every football
player should have the skill kicks are very good. The kick can be done
with the right foot or left foot.
Kicking techniques requires a high concentration in order to generate
just the right kick. This means that the force, distance, and direction
of kicks to be precise. As for some of the techniques in the kick as
- Kicking leg in
The foot has a wide surface to kick. Kick with the inside of the legs is
usually used for short-haul feed. This kick is ideal, because the
outcome is measurable and accurate kicks.
- Kicking with the outside of the leg
- Kicking with the instep
2.Control Ball
Ball movement consists of a ball along the ground, bouncing ball and high ball . As for the technique of holding the ball is as follows:
3. Dribbling
- Hold the ball along the ground with feet the inside and with the sole of the foot.
- Hold the bouncing ball with the foot of the inside, the outside of the legs, soles of the feet, and with the stomach
- Hold the ball in the air (without falling to the ground) and walk inside, thigh, chest, head, and back away.
3. Dribbling
Dribble is kicking or pushing the ball slowly while walking or running.
Goal dribbling the ball toward bringing IE opponent, past opponents, and
slow down or set the rhythm of the game. To be able to do this it takes
the technique so that the ball remained in control of us.
There are three ways in dribbling, namely:
a) dribbling with the inside of the foot;
b) dribble with the outside of the foot;
c) dribble with the instep.
Many ways to be able to seize the ball on the opponent's leg. How is usually performed by a player, namely:
a) How to face to face without flopping;
b) How sliding tackle (slide down) using the inside leg;
c) sliding tackle (slide down) using the outside of the foot.
When doing this technique, a player has to be really careful. That is
because the risk of depriving the ball techniques can not only injure
yourself, but others. This should be very cared for primarily by the
Defender (Defender) because it can be a detriment to the team when
performed in its own penalty area.
5. throw in
When the ball left the playing field (out) through the side of the pitch, throw in .
Throws into (throw in) as follows:
- Hold the ball with the fingers and palms on both sides of the ball or the ball surface of the back.
- Throw done from the top of the line field or the outside line of the field.
- When throwing, make sure both feet still rests on the ground and not allowed her legs visible elevated.
- The ball must be thrown through the top of the back of the head and thrown toward the field of play.
6. Goalkeeper
Goalkeeper is the last bastion of defense in football games. To that end, goalkeeper given special advantages that is allowed to use all parts of her body to keep out and catch the ball.
Some of the skills that should be possessed by the keeper as follows:
- Catching the ball is rolling to the ground.
- Catch the ball as high as the stomach.
- A chest-high ball catch
- Download the tip via high balls over the net.
- Reflex motion.
- Agility.